Monday, November 15, 2004

Played by Fox News!

That's "played" as in "played for a sucker."

See, I went and made a hasty comment in The Bull's blog. I had to retract it, of course, because-- not being GeeDubya-- I noticed I'd made a mistake. I attributed Fox News's shennanigans to The Bull. Check out this Fair and Balanced excerpt:

"Organizers of a charity bazaar in Conifer, Colo., refused to allow a local woman to set up a booth at the event because the items she wanted to sell — CDs of Christmas hymns she recorded herself — were too Christian, reports the Canyon Courier.

"Evergreen resident Donna Jack was told her music was inappropriate for the 27th annual Holiday Boutique put on by the Conifer Newcomers and Neighbors organization. (The name of the event was changed from 'Christmas Boutique' to 'Holiday Boutique' a couple of years ago so it wouldn’t appear to be a Christian event.)"

Oh, my! Uptight, leftist, anti-Christian, PC hijinks! At-- at Christmas! . . .Except, if you actually click on that link to the Canyon Courier, the source of the article, you see the following:

"The fair is intended to promote arts and crafts, not religion, Brattin said. The name of the fair was changed a few years ago from the Christmas Boutique to the Holiday Boutique so that it didn't appear to be a Christian event.
" 'I was afraid it would be appearing that we were supporting one religious group and not have others represented,' Brattin said about Jack's tape."

Notice that Faux News added parentheses to that second sentence, and completely left out the first, leaving the casual reader with a distorted picture. Also missing is this: " 'I was afraid it would be appearing that we were supporting one religious group and not have others represented,' Brattin said about Jack's tape. Brattin said fair organizers never intended to discriminate against anyone. However religion 'was a line we discussed and it was decided that this was a line we didn't want to cross.' "

So. Here we have the propaganda arm of the Right masquerading as a journalistic organization, caught red-handed deceiving their readers. While I'd like to see them defend this, compared to the rest of the lies they put out on an hourly basis, this is small potatoes. If you watch Fox News regularly, you are significantly more likely to believe that Iraq had something to do with 9/11 and that we've found WMDs there. The chicken-or-egg question: does watching Fox News make you stupid, or does being stupid make you watch Fox News?


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